
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm turing 30. Yay! Not so much.

So my 30th birthday is coming up in a couple weeks.  If you know me you are invited.

There will be a BBQ and outdoor movies as soon as the sun gets low enough.  It's also a camp out, so if you've got a sleeping bag and/or a tent ... bring it.

Total blowout!

May 7th.  7:30 pm.

I'll re-post something when it gets a little closer.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Few More

Here's a still from Mighty Tiger's video shoot in LA.  It was a long day, but a very fun one.

Found this sign walking around Austin.  I am a fan of signs in general, but the jazz hands sold it.

Mike found these glasses in a toilet.  At a Jimmy John's.  He pulled them out using the plunger next to it.  Swung them briskly into the sink and cleaned them thoroughly with hand soap.  He wore them for several days until he lost them.  Easy come easy go.

Here he is with them on.

Zach out behind this little gas station.  It was in the middle of nowhere.  Had to wonder how many touring bands stopped there along the way.

Andy chilling at my niece's first birthday party.  Got some other great candid shots there, but those will have to wait another day or two.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Road Photos

So here are a few from the tour that haven't been put up yet:

This was one of the most familiar sites.  Refueling.  Despite how often we did this, I didn't get a whole lot of photos at these little breaks.  Maybe I could have gotten more if someone hadn't stolen my point and shoot.  It was usually too much of a hassle to get the real cam out.

Mike caught off guard just before the show in Austin for SXSW.  Loved the shirt.  It's nice when the shirt is actually a description of the wearer.  There were some great wolf shirts that glowed in the dark at some point.  Too bad I'm not a glow in the dark wolf.

This guy showed up about 3 hours early for the show in Boise.  He came down on the H train and promptly fell asleep at the bar.  I think I shot about 15 photos of this guy and others around him.  Didn't wake up until about an hour later, and then he was kicked out by the bouncer.  As you can tell it was still pretty early in the day.

Mike found this raffle ticket in the parking lot at Purdue.  Still haven't looked up the verses on there, but I'd almost rather not know.

We played wall ball on the side of Jiffy Lube while waiting for an oil change.  Sometimes some of the best games are the ones we played as children.  Good exercise.  Although, it probably wasn't very smart of me to run around with my camera like that.  Got some good shots though, so it was worth it.

This is one of my favorite shots from the tour.  During a gas stop in Wyoming.  Benny is a very fashionable and photogenic dude.  He always seemed to be in the right light at the right moment.

More up soon.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I have been extremely busy lately and have had a couple family emergencies come up.  I will be posting more as soon as I can.  I have a lot to toss up here and have just been in need of some proper time to do so.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A word (or some variation of it) we used often as kids to get another chance at whatever we wanted.  It's nice to keep that in mind as we get older.  It's even nicer to see someone who takes it a step further.  Below is one of the rings made by designer Adi Zaffran from a spent bullet.  Follow the link to see more of his work.

Modern Advances

Every now and then somebody comes up with something that makes something old new again.  And then somebody else comes along and kicks the crap out of their update by totally reinventing it.  What we have below is just that and my next purchase.  Just in time for summer.  It's a fanny pack for your head!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Street Tags

I am a fan of graffiti.  At least when it's respectful to businesses and other graffiti artists.  It can be a great way to make use of empty space, and as an artist it can be the best way to get one's name out in public for very little pocket money.  This is something I spotted walking around Boise.  Don't know who this is but I am glad I saw it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Home Again

I am back from tour and made it just in time to be sick at home for a couple days.  I'm starting to feel a little better and will be posting some more photos from the tour over the next few days.  One camera stolen and one jacket left behind, but all in all it was a good trip.