
Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Love Toys!

There are few things in this world that are fun for the rest of your life.  As we get older we tend put aside the things we, or at least me, used to throw fits over.  Vinyl toys have made toys fun again for older kids (AKA adults who refuse to give in and admit we're grown ups) and have created new inspiration for many artists.  Check out the link cuz these toys are a-mazing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank you Mr.Nelson

Thanks to David for teaming up with me for the first bus ride.  Harrassed by security, told what we were doing wasn't "illegal," and powered through a four hour bus ride for one photo.  This isn't the photo, but it is David Nelson.

First mobile blog! Lame.

Ridin' The Bus

I am going to be traveling around Seattle Metro on the bus.  If you see me and want your picture taken just ask.  Chances are I won't see you, but keep an eye out.  If you just want to hang out and keep me company while I am "working" just let me know and we can meet up.  Drinking encouraged.

Day One

   So this is the first blog I've done.  I assume this will be mostly ranting and raving about different things that I love or hate just like everybody else.  I may ramble on about my days but I'll try and keep that to a minimum.  I am always looking for volunteers to help me complete various art projects and social experiments so get a hold of me if what you see on here seems like fun to you.